Mission: The purpose of the research committee in the School of Health and Human Performance is to develop, support, and present scholarly research projects and obtain funding aimed at promoting equity, inclusion, and diversity related to health and wellness.
Charges: The following are charges or responsibilities of each committee member:
Identify research goals and measurable outcomes for HHP;
Design, administer, and evaluate a team-based and individual research projects;
Offer guidance, feedback, and support for team-based and individual research projects;
Seek and obtain internal and external funding for research projects;
Make recommendations that advance the research interests and outcomes in HHP and the university;
Facilitate and produce scholarly projects (e.g., presentations, articles, performances, programs, interventions, etc);
Serve as the liaison to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP), the Kean University community, and university committees;
Build a climate and culture of research in the School of HHP;
Collaborate with faculty members on scholarly projects within the university, nationally, and internationally;
Document and track potential and current scholarly projects from HHP faculty and students.
Goals for Academic Year 2021 -2022
Seek and obtain internal and external funding
Each committee member seeks at least one internal or external grant.
Produce scholarly projects (e.g., presentations, articles, performances, programs, interventions, etc)
Each committee member produces at least one scholarly project
Foster collaboration with faculty and students on scholarly endeavors
Meet on a regular basis (once a month)
Identify small current and future projects for collaboration and research